Call for Papers
The paper deadline has passed.
Papers should be formatted according to the style files of Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics (SPAR). Use “svproc” style file.
The page limit is 12 pages (excluding references). And additional 2 pages are allowed for an extra page fee. The book format used for the final proceedings does not permit multimedia. Please feel free however to link to videos in your paper (e.g. unlisted YouTube or Vimeo).
Late Breaking Results and Demo Session
The LBR/demo deadline has passed.
Prospective presenters for late-breaking results (LBR) should submit a concise 2-page abstract using the format from the svproc style file of Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics (SPAR), including references. The actual presentation will be in the form of a poster.
Prospective presenters of robotic demos should submit a concise 2-page abstract using the format from the svproc style file of Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics (SPAR), including references, with the title “Demonstration: your title here”. Please include the need for table/floor space and outlets as part of these 2 pages.
Important Dates
March 20th 2024: Submission DeadlineNew and final submission deadline: April 3rd 2024, end of day AoE.July 1st 2024: Full Paper Notification of AcceptanceAugust 1st 2024: LBR/Demo Abstract Submission Deadline, end of day AoEAugust 15th 2024: LBR/Demo Notification of Acceptance- August 30th 2024: Camera Ready Submission
- October 28-30th 2024: DARS’24 Symposium
- March 1st 2025: Expected Publication of Book Proceedings