Best Paper Award
The DARS’24 Best Paper Award was awarded to Simon Jones and Sabine Hauert for their paper titled “Distributed Spatial Awareness for Swarms“.
The DARS’24 audience choice award was awarded to Sneha Ramshanker, Hungtang Ko and Radhika Nagpal for their paper titled “Strategic Sacrifice: Self-Organized Robot Swarm Localization for Inspection Productivity”.
The DARS’24 Best Paper Award nominated papers were:
- “Distributed Spatial Awareness for Swarms” by Simon Jones and Sabine Hauert, Bristol University.
- “Strategic Sacrifice: Self-Organized Robot Swarm Localization for Inspection Productivity” by Sneha Ramshanker, Hungtang Ko and Radhika Nagpal, Princeton University.
- “Fast k-connectivity Restoration in Multi-Robot Systems for Robust Communication Maintenance” by Md Ishat-E-Rabban, Guangyao Shi, Griffin Bonner and Pratap Tokekar, University of Maryland.
- “Measure Preserving Flows for Ergodic Search in Convoluted Environments” by Albert Xu, Bhaskar Vundurthy, Geordan Gutow, Ian Abraham, Jeff Schneider and Howie Choset, Carnegie Mellon University.
- “Planning for Actively Synchronized Multi-Robot Systems” by Patrick Zhong, Federico Rossi and Dylan Shell, Texas A&M.
- “Multi-Robot Target Tracking with Sensing and Communication Danger Zones” by Jiazhen Liu, Peihan Li, Yuwei Wu, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Vijay Kumar and Lifeng Zhou, Drexel.
- “On the Benefits of Robot Platooning for Navigating Crowded Environments” by Jahir Argote-Gerald, Genki Miyauchi, Paul Trodden and Roderich Gross, Darmstadt University.